
Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on What I know... not because He is changing but because I am.

Walking in the Kingdom is a Journey not a destination. So many times we have gotten our focus so set on the ending that we miss the journey along the way.

Because we see Him and something deep inside us knows that we will be changed into the image and likeness of Him as He has promised, sometimes we become frustrated and judgmental of both ourselves and those around us when we or they are not yet manifesting fully His presence. We judge and stifle the Spirit’s ability to work in that person’s life or we become frustrated in our own progress and just start crying grace, grace, and abandon any hope or real desire to pursue the ancient paths which will guide us to that final place. We do not even acknowledge that the ways of Yahweh exist, much less allow the Holy Spirit to write them on our hearts. We float on a cloud of grace hoping it will guide us home. It may guide us home but without God’s Torah it will not conform us to the image and likeness of our Beloved. Truth (Torah) without Spirit never got them into the Kingdom and Spirit without Truth will leave us lacking also.

If we thought grace set us free, how much more will Spirit and Truth set us free?

LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of You