
Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on what I know today...not because He is changing, but because I am

Even as the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and Yeshua the Holy One of Israel was formed in her, so when Yeshua returned to the Father He sent His Spirit to hover over us, that the Spirit of YHVH may now be formed in us.

Didn’t the writer of Colossians tell us that it would be “Yeshua in us, the hope of Glory”? (Col.1:27)
Is He being formed in you? If not, let the Ruach of Elohim hover over your life. Let His gentle voice write His ways on your heart. Let Him change you from glory to glory. Let him change you into image of your Father, the Ruach of your Mother.

Many debate whether we were created in the image and likeness of G-d or the image and likeness of Adam. Regardless of which image you believe you were created in, there is no debate about whose image you are to be transformed into.


LOMMOY ~ Less Of Me More Of You (Jn.3:30)

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