
Chavah - To speak forth Truth

Passing on what I know today, not because he is changing, but because I am.

We move to fast.

All week long I race around trying to get life done. There is never enough time to get it
all done. But the reality is that even if there were infinite time, I would still not be able to get it all done..., Truth is, most of it, is just a distraction, most of the time.

I have found as I have turned my heart toward being Shabbat/Sabbath observant that I race even more. Why would something that is suppose to help me know more peace and rest in my life, instead at times make me feel hurried?

~ My daughter, you
race because you do not consider me, day in and day out, moment in and moment out.

I become someone you visit on Saturday, kind of like a gentle grandfather who must be shown respect for, but not the lover of your soul,... who I am.

If you would wait on me through out the week I would set your pace. Then Friday night would not sneak up on you so fast. You would be looking for it's approach all week, you would be considering it in your planning of the week. You would
plan to be able to slow down by Friday afternoon, so you could prepare your food for the next 24 hours, and clean your house... so you could truly relax for an entire Sabbath. ~

-I find that I can not even get my house work done by Friday sunset, and then it calls to me all day on the Sabbath, clean me, fix me, take care of me... Regardless of the fact that the house work doesn't call out to me at all the rest of the week. Why is that?-

~Because you do not know how to rest, it was not a part of your heritage, you were not taught to rest. You were taught to be religious and pay me respect, but to truly slow down and know that I am God.... ~

Help me to find you at the center of the rhythm of my soul Father.
Help me to consider you Yeshua.
Teach me to hear your Spirit,
Your Ruach. ~ the wind that soothes
my soul.
LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of Him


Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on what I know today...not because He is changing, but because I am

Even as the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and Yeshua the Holy One of Israel was formed in her, so when Yeshua returned to the Father He sent His Spirit to hover over us, that the Spirit of YHVH may now be formed in us.

Didn’t the writer of Colossians tell us that it would be “Yeshua in us, the hope of Glory”? (Col.1:27)
Is He being formed in you? If not, let the Ruach of Elohim hover over your life. Let His gentle voice write His ways on your heart. Let Him change you from glory to glory. Let him change you into image of your Father, the Ruach of your Mother.

Many debate whether we were created in the image and likeness of G-d or the image and likeness of Adam. Regardless of which image you believe you were created in, there is no debate about whose image you are to be transformed into.


LOMMOY ~ Less Of Me More Of You (Jn.3:30)