
Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on What I know... not because He is changing but because I am.

Walking in the Kingdom is a Journey not a destination. So many times we have gotten our focus so set on the ending that we miss the journey along the way.

Because we see Him and something deep inside us knows that we will be changed into the image and likeness of Him as He has promised, sometimes we become frustrated and judgmental of both ourselves and those around us when we or they are not yet manifesting fully His presence. We judge and stifle the Spirit’s ability to work in that person’s life or we become frustrated in our own progress and just start crying grace, grace, and abandon any hope or real desire to pursue the ancient paths which will guide us to that final place. We do not even acknowledge that the ways of Yahweh exist, much less allow the Holy Spirit to write them on our hearts. We float on a cloud of grace hoping it will guide us home. It may guide us home but without God’s Torah it will not conform us to the image and likeness of our Beloved. Truth (Torah) without Spirit never got them into the Kingdom and Spirit without Truth will leave us lacking also.

If we thought grace set us free, how much more will Spirit and Truth set us free?

LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of You


Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

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Passing on what I know today...not because He is changing, but because I am

Speaking the truth sometimes discomforts people. We are much more comfortable with the way things are, and when Truth comes and disturbs the way we are use to believing, the turmoil in our souls can be extreme. But if we truly are seekers of Truth, we will wrestle with it even as Jacob did and not let go until it makes itself known to us.

Many in the church are having this wrestling going on in them today. They hear the voice of their Beloved crying out to them, but He sounds a little different than they thought. He sounds a little more Hebraic than they pictured Him, and who are all these Jewish looking people with Him? So they are frightened, even questioning if this is really Him. Then they remember, if even for a fleeting moment… Wasn’t there something about Him being a Hebrew? … of the Tribe of Judah, … of the House of David? But that so conflicts with the picture we have had of Him, it’s hard for our hearts to not question. But Yeshua is Truth and He will prevail in the hearts of those who are seeking Truth.

Lord, thank you that even if things look a little different than I expected, thank you that you will not quit wrestling with us until we receive your blessing.


LOMMOY ~ Less Of Me More of You


Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on what I know today...not because He is changing, but because I am.

I CHANGE NOT ~ Three simple words and yet some how we have missed them. How is it Father that three of the most important words in the whole of Scripture , three words that should give us immense comfort and safety in our lives, and yet we have dismissed them so easily?

~You are right I AM the same yesterday, today and forever. My consistency is something you can count on even when there appears to be nothing but change all around you, for it is you that are changing, the world that is changing, but I change not. All of creation is changing. The question is, are you changing into My image and likeness or the image and likeness of the world, because all things are changing, except Me.

--I believe you Father when you say that we are changing from glory to glory, that we will manifest your presence in the earth. I just feel like we have lost the template. We have forgotten the design. When we turned from your commandments, your statues and created our own set of religious laws, it feels like we have become the very thing you despised. Help us return to your ways Yahweh, help us see your Pattern Son as He truly is, not as how we have created Him to be. Instead of our being created in His image and likeness we have instead tried to create Him in ours. We forget that you were first and foremost a Hebrew, (one who crossed over), the Son of a Hebrew God, the Spirit that spoke through Hebrew Prophets. A man that was perfect in every act of righteousness, wholly set apart. How could you have been anything else? You were the embodiment of Torah, of your very instructions in righteousness? No wonder you were so angry when the Pharisee adulterated the Torah, changing it, adding to it, using it to manipulate the people. The very place of safety, the very boundaries for a safe and set apart life, the ark that you created for your people and the Pharisees tried to change it. That seems like Noah trying to tell You how to build the ark.

But are we not just as bad? We have lead the people to believe the Torah was something different than it is, and in the process have we not told them to abandon ship? To get out from the ark of your covenant, the very place of safety you created for us. No wonder the enemy has had so much success battering the Body. We are out of the boat, but not because you told us to be. Peter could not have walked on water when he got out of the boat if You had not commanded him to. Yet we think we can ignore your commandments and decide for ourselves whether we even need the boat. ~~~~ Faith without works is dead.

~ Yes daughter that is why I am restoring my ancient boundaries in this hour. For the days ahead are coming when the consistency of my Torah will be my people’s safety. Did I not protect my people Israel every time they returned to me, to my statutes and my commandments? Did I not fight for them and be their God once more? Did I not say the same about my church? That I would shake them in this last hour, even as I said that I would shake Israel from the Gentile Nations were I scattered them when they turned from My ways. So I am shaking the Church from the Gentile practices that they have fled to. They have made my Torah a reproach in the earth instead of seeing it as the place of safety that it is. They have made it a place of bondage instead of a place of great freedom.

Do they not see I must return my Body to my Torah, my statues, my commandments? Did they not remember that I said in the kingdom to come we would be doing those things, that we would be keeping the feasts and celebrating Shabbat together for a thousand years and into eternity? They will be caught off guard and confused when my kingdom comes if they do not learn the ways of My Kingdom now.

Why did they not believe “I change not”?~

LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of You (John 3:30)


Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on what I know today...not because He is changing, but because I am.

January 26, 2005

Father you said seek first the Kingdom of God and all these other things would be added to me. What are “these other things”?

~~~ All that you need to accomplish what I am calling you to do. All the financial need yes, but much more than that. It is also all the emotional and scripturally sound support. For what good does it do if I give you abundance financially and yet you are not strong emotionally or spiritually? You would just become one more talking head. You would have the finances to freely go out and preach My word but many are preaching what they say is “ My word” but are not spiritually grounded. They are preaching out of a different spirit. They have a lawlessness about them that has made them dangerous. It would have been better for them to not have had the ability to preach. For I will no longer be mocked by false prophets, by false teachers, by shepards that presume to speak on My behalf but teach the people to have lawless hearts. They are more interested in having you follow their ways instead of my ways. I will remove them. My people will no longer be raped and pillaged by them. I will restore My ancient paths; I will restore my prophets and priests.

Jeremiah 16:19-21

19 O Adonai, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction,

The Gentiles shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say,

“Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable things.”

20 Will a man make gods for himself, Which are not gods?

21 “Therefore behold, I will this once cause them to know,

I will cause them to know My hand and My might;

And they shall know that My name is Adonai. (Emphasis added)

I am crying out to My people to come out of her, to return to Me and I will return to them but only a remnant will hear; only a remnant will return for there is a famine in the land. But the day is coming when there will no longer be a famine in the land for I am rising up a true priesthood who will speak the truth; who will call the people back even as King Josiah did, a Josiah generation who will restore the ancient boundaries and call the people to repentance. And when the true word of Yahweh goes forward if the people continue to harden their hearts and not return I will no longer have mercy on them, for then they will have heard; then they will have chosen to harden their hearts.


LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of You


Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on what I know today... not because He is changing, but because I am

January 25, 2005

Father I thank you for today, you are the King of the universe. You are the Alpha and the Omega, He who was, He who is and He who is to come. You truly are the breath beneath my wings. Without your presence the very atoms of my being would cease to exist.

~~~ You are right I hold all things together. Nothing exists that I am not aware of. Not only do I set the stars and the moons in their places, but I determine the very rhythm of the earth. But the world has forgotten my rhythm. They have abandoned my calendar. They have forsaken my Sabbaths, my festivals and my new moons. I put these in place as touch stones on the path of life, as memorial places for man to stop and remember me. But they have forgotten my appointed times, they have abandoned the rhythm of life that I established and they have created their own rhythm, a rhythm in sync with the ways of the world. It is hard for them to hear My voice, because My voice floats on the rhythm of life that I created and when they are on the rhythm of the world instead of My rhythm it is distracting, conflicting. It’s like having two radio stations playing at the same time. You never hear either one clearly. You must return to My calendar of life, My rhythm for your life.

Zechariah 1:3-4

3 “Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Return to Me,” says the Lord of hosts, “and I will return to you,” says the Lord of hosts.4 “Do not be like your fathers, to whom the former prophets preached, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds.” ’ But they did not hear nor heed Me,” says the Lord.


LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of You


Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on what I know today...not because He is changing, but because I am.

January 23, 2005

Recently the Lord has been speaking to me again about the significance of the Tabernacle in our lives, of abiding in His presence. I realized for the first time that it is a place where we learn of the awesomeness of the Father. Where His Presence dwelled for years, guiding the people of Israel. And how through the sacrifice of His Son Yeshua, I can more intimately know the Father and come into a relationship with Him not just as Abba Father, the father I knew when I was a little girl and wanted something from the loving arms of my father. The Father whose arms I would crawl up into when I needed comforting… That little one, hopefully, I will always be, but now I can come to know Him as a young women, someone that He is soon trusting to run the affairs of His household with His Son. Someone who He adopted, and raised in His household. Someone He is grooming to marry His only Son and co-rule His kingdom with Him.

Yeshua said He came to glorify the Father, can my purpose be anything else? If He is my Bridegroom can our union have any other purpose?

Even as a bride leaves her mother and father and joins herself to her husband’s household so must I learn the ways and be joined to my Husband’s household. I must learn the things that please my beloved’s Father, my Father.

In my initial salvation experience, when I was born- again, “PASS(ed)OVER from death to life, I came to know Yeshua as my savior, my betrothed... Soon after, during my years in the Charismatic Church, I met the Ruach of Elohim – the Spirit that was sent to set me apart. To teach me the ways of my Beloved’s household, to write the order of the household on my heart, so that my new household would not be a foreign place to me. But now the bridegroom is coming and soon I will be living with my beloved in His Father’s household.

I know, to honor the Father and come into a deeper relationship with Him I must learn more about the ways of His household. This will please my Beloved.


LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of You


Chavah ~ To Speak Forth Truth

Passing on what I know today...not because He is changing, but because I am

All that can be shaken will be shaken

January 4, 2005

When I was sitting at my desk last Wed.Dec 29th I had an amazing thing happen. Suddenly my desk and the room around me started shaking almost in waves. Similar to the feeling you have when there is an earthquake.

It was very startling and I asked the Lord what that was all about as I immediately knew it was in the spirit realm and not another earthquake in the natural.

This is what the Lord spoke to me:

The Truth that is being released in the earth today is going to be like an earthquake when it hits the church. She has cried out for me to open the eyes of her understanding and that is what I am doing. But it will feel like an earthquake. It will shake the very core of what she has believed. And like in the natural, this earthquake will also produce a tsunami that will wash over the face of Christianity changing the face of it even as the tsunamis in the East have changed the face of that landscape. As the truths that I am revealing in this hour pour forth they will also case great death and destruction to the soul. All that is not of Me will be washed away and what is left will be pure and holy and cleansed.

Many will curse the truth and cry out against the earthquake of their souls, but it must happen. All that My Bride is and all that she believes must come into perfect harmony with My truth. But the process will be difficult.

After the Lord spoke this all I could say was give us the strength to pursue you Lord with all our strength and hang on during the times of stripping.

LOMMOY ~ Less of Me More of You